Amazing concert by Imagine Dragons last night. Opening bands were fairly decent as well. I'll admit I liked the sound of X Ambassadors from New York. The lead singer had an amazing voice. Their flailing, head-banging and terrible "Canadian accents" were also very amusing. Probably added to my enjoyment overall, though probably not for the reasons you'd expect. Regardless, I'll be looking into their music more. The Envy Corps was the second band to open, and while they were a little more generic sounding than the first, I still enjoyed listening to their music. The most engaging part of their music was actually the introductions itself. I loved the bass they used, but the singing didn't do much for me.
The Imagine Dragons themselves, while coming out a little late, were fantastic. I have a feeling the delay was so the stage crew could move and set up a massive amount of drums and the full stage aesthetic, which included bare trees with glowing lanterns hanging from them. This was certainly one of the most pretty shows I've seen, and the fact that they're from Vegas really shows with their showmanship.
I was so happy when they opened with "Round and Round," one of my favourite tracks on their Night Visions album. The whole show included lights, amazing vocals and bass, and for their bit hit, "Radioactive," the lead jumped into a harness, rose above the stage and flew like superman to a drum suspended over the crowd. I'm still not sure if I found this more amazing or hilarious. A bit of both I suppose.
I loved the energy of the band, I loved the was the stage and light show in the background looked, and I loved the giant confetti balloons. Because balloons and confetti make everything better. Strangest part of the whole performance that evening? Nothing overly strange, stupid or crazy happened. It was a completely "normal" concert for me. No shady underground bars, no parking tickets, no money falling out of my pockets, no hail storms, no one spitting water over the audience (though the lead did open a bottle and throw water on the crowd), no super intense wide-eyed stage destroying singers, no drunk people tripping all over you being dragged across the room multiple times...just a couple of people smoking weed. That's pretty normal. That doesn't happen. Prepare yourselves. The apocalypse nears.
I'd definitely recommend the concert though, just be prepared for a 4 hour+ venture for the evening.
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