Tuesday, August 27, 2013


Just had a massive scare on account of my external hard drive. This drive has been a little flaky lately anyways, but currently it's the only one that has enough space to do any significant recording. My 3 hour encode was 97% complete and I think I tripped something up by disconnecting another hard drive. My hard drive for some reason, had something go wrong and then I got error messages about the video files, which made frameserver crash, which made Vegas crash and suddenly the drive was no longer on, yet it was still registering on my computer. I open the drive, and nothing is in it. So I start to panic. I go to the drive, unplug it from everything, and then plug it back in. It made no noise when it turned on, so I looked in the folder and everything was back. That said, I may want to look into backing up a few more of my files, though, thankfully uploading to YouTube provides a back-up copy for a lot of video.

That adventure over, I am re-encoding the last few hours of Dungeon Siege 3 right now. The LP will probably be fully uploaded by Friday or Saturday this week depending on how reliable encoding and my internet connection is. Meanwhile, I have started my next LP, Diablo 1.

The last time I played Diablo 1 in full was when I was in high school. Like Dungeon Siege, this was one of the games that made up my childhood along with Dungeon Keeper 2, Age of Empires 2, Warcraft 2 (lol sequels) and a bunch of much more obscure games. As I've mentioned before, I never owned a console until I was 16, so all of my games were on the PC. I played this game A LOT between the ages of 7 to 9, which is hilarious because I was terrified of Disney villains, even at this age. That said, the furthest I ever got when I was a kid was probably around the start of the Hell levels, if that. I watched my father play the harder parts, but even he never finished the game.

I will be playing a Sorcerer, which should be interesting as I've heard it's difficult to start the game as one. I have no idea how long the LP will be, but I'm already to the third level of the catacombs so, we'll see. Also, the files take up hardly any space at all on my drive. I will be LPing another game at the same time, but I will leave that a surprise.

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