Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Happy Holidays

I've been writing emails about the holidays all morning so I thought I'd take a break and pop over here...to write more about well wishes for the holidays....

At any rate, I hope whatever you celebrate is full of sweets and joy...and joyness. 

The next uploading stint for Overlord 2 will be on the 28th, then again on the 30th. I may upload other random videos in between, but I have no concrete plans. I really want to take the next couple of days and just relax. I will probably record more Alice (which I have a good start on). There is much death, but not too much rage...yet. 

I feel like a Charlie the Unicorn reference kind of dates me...but it's not that old!

Thursday, December 19, 2013


It's only going to get worse. I forgot that I said I'd also be looking into playing the Bioshock series as well. This will be another LP series that will appear in 2014.

To finish 2013:
Half Life 1
Penumbra - Overture, Black Plague - with Shauna
Overlord 2 (just need to upload the segments (35 total)

Coming in 2014:
Alice: Madness Returns (will record and maybe put out a couple videos before the new year)
Dark Souls
Bioshock - 1, 2, Infinite
Penumbra: Requiem - with Shauna

Co-op or Multiplayer 2014:
Magicka (will be posted on GameVoyeur's YouTube)
Unreal Tournament 3 - Tentative
Diablo 2 Expansion - Tenative
Age of Empires 3 (I have about 20 games recorded that I played with my brother...I may post a few of those if there's interest)

Is it bad that the lists here are probably going to end up being mostly for me?

Monday, December 16, 2013

Torpedo Puppies

I am still in awe of what I experienced at the end of Overlord 2. I played this once before, and memories of the final boss came rushing back to me like the mess of a creature the Overlord needs to take down. There are no words to describe what I witnessed, and if you haven't played/seen the game, I'm not going to ruin the effect this magnificent beast has on someone's mind. Meanwhile, torpedo puppies end up shooting out of holes in the ground. It makes me giggle. Maybe I'll upload a sneak peak of that one.

The videos created from Overlord 2 are...very large. I should have encoded at a lower resolution for these ones, but the raw files are deleted at this point, so there's not much I can do about it. This means that the LP will take a long time to upload, and will probably be done in bursts of 1-4 videos at a time depending on the connection speed I have available. I intend to use this upcoming weekend to begin recording Alice: Madness Returns on Nightmare difficulty as requested, and to make some other specials to celebrated the holidays. I will start Dark Souls early in the new year.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Good Questions

Thought this was an interesting article and decided to share. It's an issue that's always been floating around and reoccurring on the internet. It's also one I don't believe I've been directly influenced by. I do remember when I did my text LPs on my old account, people automatically assumed I was a male gamer, which is fair as that's the stereotype. I just didn't tend to correct them. People can think what they want to. I'm not going to go crusading around starting fights and trying to prove girls and women play video games. I just figured that it was implied. If it's not, than it should be. The intelligent people know this, so I figure there's no need to shove it down people's throats. I play games and record them simply to exist in the medium. I show that I play games (with varying degrees of success)  and I have fun, so I'm not too concerned about what anyone has to say about that.

Overlord 1 is completely uploaded and I will be moving on to Overlord 2 shortly. I have about 1/3 of Overlord 2 recorded and nearly that much encoded. The only problem is that the files are rather large, so I will be uploading in 20-30min segments and no larger. After this is completed, I will be moving on to Dark Souls and Alice: Madness Returns, as I have had requests to play those games. I had a God of War request as well, but I do not own a capture card at this time.

(And yes, I am aware that Half Life and Penumbra remain unfinished. I will get to those. Promise =D)