I am still in awe of what I experienced at the end of Overlord 2. I played this once before, and memories of the final boss came rushing back to me like the mess of a creature the Overlord needs to take down. There are no words to describe what I witnessed, and if you haven't played/seen the game, I'm not going to ruin the effect this magnificent beast has on someone's mind. Meanwhile, torpedo puppies end up shooting out of holes in the ground. It makes me giggle. Maybe I'll upload a sneak peak of that one.
The videos created from Overlord 2 are...very large. I should have encoded at a lower resolution for these ones, but the raw files are deleted at this point, so there's not much I can do about it. This means that the LP will take a long time to upload, and will probably be done in bursts of 1-4 videos at a time depending on the connection speed I have available. I intend to use this upcoming weekend to begin recording Alice: Madness Returns on Nightmare difficulty as requested, and to make some other specials to celebrated the holidays. I will start Dark Souls early in the new year.