Thursday, April 24, 2014

Geiz! Geiz! (also soundtrack Thursday 15)

Iz Comic Con. Oh Emm Gee.

Woke up and spun around singing "It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year." I'm sorry wallet. You will suffer this weekend.

Soundtrack Thursday is still a go. Seems like Thursdays are usually short days. I'll be leaving around 3 to go line up for my badge and wrist bands. I feel so official and that's really not the case. Oh man.

Lord of the Rings: Return of the King - I really need to watch all these again. I love these movies.

Shit. So I agreed to help my coworker grow her Chia Pet. I misread the instructions and used two tablespoons instead of two teaspoons of seeds. So now I have this scoop of unused seeds sitting on my desk. I need to find something random to Chia.

PS - The Spongebob Chia is a little terrifying.

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone - There is also a compilation of all the Harry Potter Soundtracks on YouTube. It is over 9 hours long. I don't think I can handle that much Harry Potter.

Supernatural - In playlist form as it does not seem to exist as a compilation (yet). I love this show.

-Shauna still cannot figure out what is happening with her hdmi
-More Half Life 2 IS recorded. You can all make fun of me for my poor handling of the rocket launcher.
-Penumbra Black Plague is sitting peacefully on my hard drive
-More videos likely to be uploaded Monday. This weekend is a write-off

1 comment:

  1. ps3 doesn't work with hdmi if that's what you're wondering. They use HDCP, because sony is full of retards.

    Also I don't understand why anyone would want to put themselves near other people.
