Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Dungeon Siege Forever

YouTube has a relatively new feature where I can look to see which of my playlists are getting the most views. It's kind of an interesting analytic to look at as I can see what videos are the most interesting for people visiting my channel (or videos overall). I've been diving into a lot of analytics at work for various communities, so I guess I got the bug or something. I've always loved numbers, even if I don't know what to do with them.

Anyway, top playlists are (no surprise really): Dungeon Siege 2, Dungeon Siege, Legends of Aranna, Broken World, Dungeon Siege 3, Diablo 1 and Dungeon Keeper 1&2. ("Music" was after Legends of Aranna, but it doesn't count as I am most likely single-handedly responsible for those views).

So consensus is people like Dungeon Siege. I'd say Dungeon Keeper doesn't count, but I made that playlist long after I produced the LP way back in...2009? Man...

So Dishonored continues to go up. I started recording more Brigmore Witches. It was disgusting. I hadn't played in about a month or two so I had no idea how to play any more. As a result, the first 20-30mins are just me faffing about confused and lost. I am on track now and am currently stuck on a fight (which is BAD because my first instinct is to just try to kill everything and I'm trying to go Low Chaos...plus I'm not really...equipped...to fight. I've been going the stealth route...).  Anyway, I'll figure that one out.

Oh and pro tip: Always wear your god damned seatbelt, even if you are in a parking lot.

So the good news first: my brother is graduating high school. Yay. This was his grad (or "prom" as Americans call it) and he was not in the vehicle.

The bad news: Car accident. Not so yay...I wasn't the driver, but I was in the back seat. With no seatbelt at the time because we had stopped and were about to get out before we decided to try and find a closer spot. Poor life choice. Both my father and the truck driver did not see each other. I didn't even see it coming. When it hit, all I could think was trying to catch my phone as it ejected out of my hand.

Some locked bumpers and one punctured tire later I kind of freaked out and plugged in my seatbelt again and realized how dumb that was. Anyway, I hit the seat in front of me, quite gracefully actually for someone wearing glasses and didn't get hurt at all. Point is, if I hadn't been sitting there, I would have hit the dashboard or been launched into the front seat. We were only going 15km/hr. The other guy was probably doing double that, but it was enough. I got lucky, but please WEAR YOUR GOD DAMN SEATBELT. The god damn Batman demands it.

PS - Don't worry my phone didn't brain anyone.


  1. I'm glad you're all o.k.!!! Yes, as soon as you enter the vehicle, even if it's a short ride you must put the seatbelt on!

  2. Yeah, and I normally do. I'm pretty good about it, even keeping it on when we're stopped temporarily. It was karma or something man. Not sure why I didn't that time.

  3. being inside mobile pieces of aluminum more likely to inflict severe injury than any other mode of transportation always came off to me as a silly life choice to begin with
