Wednesday, October 22, 2014

A Bug Hunt

I am super impressed with how well my title fits this time.

FIRST - Alien Isolation continues. We are not done recording...I assume we are around the halfway mark, especially with the sudden difficulty spike. My thoughts so far? Not a bad game. It has...issues though. I don't particularly find the game scary. Now, listening to the videos, you will be inclined to debate this based on our reactions. But it's not scary like Outlast or Amnesia. It is tense. I am way more tense playing this game, and I was way more frightened playing the other games. Half of that tension just comes from whether the bloody Alien will show up and kill us before we can save and we have to do the same shit over and over again. Part of that tension just comes from the unpredictability. Also the game crashes. A lot. I don't even think I'm going to edit the crashes out to be honest. It's just business as usual between them because it's so common. So far in 8 hours of gameplay I believe we had 8 crashes. One crash per hour. gg. Also, the game is a little buggy. It uses Havok, so the physics objects are already hilarious, but the Alien itself is broken. You should see a short clip on YouTube that I posted (two days ago?) that sums this whole experience up in about 45 seconds.

SECOND - Started Hunted: Demon's Forge with Mesk. We marathoned about...5 hours of it before we both got too tired to continue. So we are near the end of the second chapter and have already broken the game in new and exciting ways. We also recreated many of the old bugs he encountered with HKS back when he ran through it then. This will be...a different LP experience. I would recommend this one if you like seeing a lot of silly things (and don't mind that we take the time to see if we can push things to their limits). The game is actually decent though despite its major issues. It's super buggy, but gameplay is fun and interesting, there are tons of areas to explore, and the story itself isn't boring. I have been looking forward to this one. I've never played it before, but it is far from a blind LP as I've watched Mesk and HKS' videos (which can be found here). This LP should start going up on YouTube early November after Bioshock is complete.

THIRD - Extra Life reminder this Saturday. Kathleen reached her goal, but she's trying to stay in first for the Alberta Children's Hospital as she will have the chance to earn extra money for them (30k I think). So feel free to check out our streams on Twitch. I will post the links again on the date. I will be joining in the evening, so Kathleen will have a head start, so make sure to tune in to her stream while I'm off getting my fingers broken and my face crushed by large rubber balls. I'm uh...playing in a dodgeball tournament until about 4/5pm. I believe Shauna, General Delta, Mesk and Oliver may also join in.

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