Saturday, November 15, 2014

American Grocery Stores Are Magical Places

You have like...40 flavours of pop and 20 different kinds of oreos. Pumpkin spice oreos. That is a thing. Oh and those Cheez-It things. Thanks for getting me hooked on those Voyeur.

So I've been back for awhile now, but video work has been slow as I've had...well an interesting last couple of days. Had a bit of a medical scare and it skyrocketed my anxiety, which isn't good for productivity, at least in terms of personal projects. Also, my boss at work has a family emergency which means I'll be working full time for the next couple of weeks. I will be tired and video recording and production will slow down immensely.

That said, I have a super entertaining line-up for the rest of November and December. First off, the next Gamecube game I plan on uploading is Lord of the Rings: The Third Age. I finished this LP well over a month ago...maybe two, but it is full of silly from what I can remember. It is cheesy, buggy and all around a good time. Except for the Rohan area. That was stupid. Also how it ended was really

My other single player LPs will include more Skyrim and eventually Bioshock 2, Half Life Episode 2, and Brigmore Witches. I want to finish these before 2015 and get them off my plate. Bioshock 2 is going to take a lot of willpower to finish. It's not very good. I will continue my Skyrim adventures with the Dawnguard DLC.

As for co-op/tag team LPs, I think we'll FINALLY finish Resident Evil 5 within the week. Voyeur and I are very close to completing it, and then we will be moving on to another game. I'm not sure what yet. Perhaps the Magicka DLC. Mesk and I continue to record Hunted. I expect these videos to start going up shortly before December. Depends on what I have to upload at the time. His videos of Hunted should be much more chaotic than mine as my netcode causes strange things on his end.

I've stopped work on Bioshock Infinite, mostly because Alien Isolation has a lot less issues and has been exceptionally entertaining over the last few sessions. There are things that happen in that game that really...I can't describe. Shauna and I are about halfway done the game. It's taking a lot longer because we're playing on hard...and it really is difficult. I still think that the low number of save points is a stupid idea though. We have some LPs planned out for when we finish Alien. I wouldn't expect to see these until like...February of next year though, so I won't bother announcing them.

So rest of November looks like:
Lord of the Rings: The Third Age
Unreal Tournament 3
Alien Isolation

December will likely look like:
Hunted: Demon's Forge
Bioshock Infinite
And one of the following: Half Life Episode 2 or Brigmore Witches

Expect other random videos and clips. Keep an eye on my Public Google drive as well for access to unreleased video.

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