Monday, April 13, 2015

It's That Time of Year Again

Comic con is almost here! I'll be going all 4 days again (as long as my energy holds out) and as always, be documenting my experience. I'm actually extremely excited for seeing some of the guests this year and plan on seeing a few more panels. I'll be dressing up this year with Sarah (as she will be gone for two years to make friends with koalas and kangaroos). Any Calgary people reading this, keep an eye out for Tank Girl on Saturday. You'll find me.

Storage crisis with my hard drives again as I rescue all the content on the one external and try formatting it. A bunch of Sherlock footage got toasted, so we had to re-record that today. What happened is the drive kept chain-failing while we were recording...but Fraps didn't register this so it kept I have an hour long clip of just audio, a bunch of clips that are corrupted, and then a few that managed to survive. There's nothing really salvageable unfortunately.

Currently uploading the rest of Hunted, Lost Kingdoms and War for the Overworld. Boy do I have some interesting footage from WftO for you. Let's just say the only reason I beat this level is because things broke spectacularly.

No news yet on what's been going on with me health-wise. Had a good Saturday and Sunday energy-wise. Actually had some trouble getting to sleep. Friday was just awful for a lot of reasons. We shall not speak of Friday. I will call on Monday to see what the results were.

PS - This blog has had over 10000 hits now. Hi bots.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like your drive might have been turning off while recording. Make sure windows is set to never power down drives. However, some externals (particularly prebuilt ones) ignore power settings.
