Thursday, May 28, 2015

Slowly Getting There

The subs have been teasing me the past few days. Jumped from 990 to 998 super fast, and then I lost three, and then I gained two, and now it's just sitting there. Regardless, I have my content ready once I'm safely over the 1000 mark. I could lose some at that point I guess, but meh. Good enough for me.

I also have another random video I'd like to post in the next couple days. I may still edit it up a bit, but I'm rather proud of it for a video I made over the span of a day and a half on a whim.

Since I've crammed too much into my head and don't know what I'm doing anymore. I've been creating lists everywhere to do the remembering for me. My poor brain.

Current LPs and videos being released:
Among the Sleep, Tag-Team - almost done (it's like 6 episodes total)
Bioshock 2 - there's a lot of this left
Farcry 3, co-op - LP is finished as of a couple days ago. There's still quite a bit left
Tera - I don't have any more episodes prepared, but some Bastion of Lok is coming up (likely a couple clip shows and then an entire run or two of it)

I think that's it. Yeahhhh must be. Also I've been finding a lot of random unreleased it's either being thrown on YT whenever I find them, or on the public drive. Unless I think I've released them and I actually haven't and wonder why you are all looking at me strangely. That's also a very likely possibility.

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