Thursday, October 26, 2017


Another reason not to travel to the United States by plane in the near future.

More "security" measures.

Driving all the way. It's fine. I'll visit Montana. TOTALLY cool with it. I'll count drive-thru coffee stands and cowboy churches the whole way to entertain myself. Take that TSA.



That or take a trip across Canada for the first time in my life. Never seen the East Coast and it's been YEARS since I've been out to Van City.

So we recorded more Divinity over the past few days. Also got through more Sonic somehow and I ACTUALLY found where I gave up on the game. I can't believe I made it that far without rage quitting. I know I never made it that far on Shadow's portion, and I'm pretty sure I finished Silver, but I never actually finished the game. Ever. I might actually end up trying to finish it during Extra Life this year before I move on to better games.

Then Mesk and HKS keep asking when I'll be doing Sonic Boom and Sonic Mania.

As I am currently unemployed, I've been focusing on getting other things done including getting through the massive backlog of recordings. As I think I stated in the previous post, I have finished Pillars of Eternity completely and am just in the process of uploading the last half of the series on YouTube. I also started processing Divinity OS2 and Resident Evil 7 as I need to get through those. My other priorities will be Dishonored 2 and Sonic 2006.

EDIT: I messed up the Divinity OS2 recordings. My voice is absent from 2 sessions and the third is awful quality 'cause somehow Fraps decided that my headset mic was a good option to use. This is why you ALWAYS check your settings and why when I forget I get super salty. I'm a little more than mad at the moment.

Sunday, October 22, 2017

PoE Finished (Finally)

Finished playing the actual game a few weeks ago, but the encoding was completed today. There are 131 segments of 25-45 minute videos. This was for approx. 82 hours of gameplay, just one the one run alone. I enjoyed playing the game, but I'm not sure I'd play it again in the near future. It's just a really long game. It's good if you want to get wrapped up in a long RPG, but eventually my commitment to reading most of the dialogue out loud wore me down. Anyway, currently have up to segment 80 uploaded on YouTube. The rest should hopefully be up by Christmas.

Which brings me to this past week. It wasn't that great for the most part.

The wedding I went to was great aside from the ridiculous heat in Southern California (30+ degrees Celsius). I nearly passed out waiting in a line up on the last day we spent there as it was already 28 degrees at like...9 in the morning. I really don't do well in heat. I got home on Tuesday and found out in the International baggage claim on the phone that I had been laid off my job (I wasn't the only one).

Then I spent the next evening in the hospital because of severe abdominal pain. I got pissed off at the nurse cause she poked around areas that weren't the issue and then said I didn't seem like I was in a lot of pain. I proceeded to be sent home for an ultrasound the next day to which they found the issue. There's nothing they can do about it so I was doomed to remain in pain for the next 48 hours. Got some relief today.

Good news is that I have possession date for my new house, so I'll be dark for a few days in November, but I'll be hopefully permanently settled for a long time.

So I'm in the market for a new job. We'll see what I can find. For now, I have a lot of free time, so I'm going to use it to catch up on projects and just...sleep. Also going to try and play more Divinity OS2 with Mesk and HKS and make more progress on it. We played yesterday and I managed to get myself into a few precarious situations. I also created a pillar of exploding plant death.

So yeah, bummed out and in pain, but I'll keep on going and make the best of the extra time I have.

Wednesday, October 11, 2017


I am, quite frankly, exhausted. The house was way more chaotic than I anticipated, and the expectations of the people trying to sell it are hard to meet. I have a list of everything that needs to be done in my head, but like many large projects, I underestimate the time needed to complete that vision. My life has literally been packing, moving and cleaning since...Saturday or something. I've lost track of this.

I just have to keep the end goal in mind. Here's hoping we don't move again for a very long time.

The good news is I'm too tired to really be worried about not getting done in time/to be stressed out. The bad news is I'm pretty sure I'm getting sick. Also I managed to mess up my toe. There's like a whole chunk of my toenail missing on the one side and I have no idea how it happened. It never bled or anything. Maybe this means I'm undead.

Anyhow, will be leaving soon to deliver ketchup chips to the uncultured masses down south. I'll try to get some uploads up before I leave, but there's likely going to be less than the usual upload rate (which is like 4 videos a week currently -_-).

Also Shauna says I need to play Darkwood before Lunar-SSS, so cue all the innuendos from Mesk when he reads this.

Friday, October 6, 2017


First off, you may have noticed that I cleaned up the top portion of the blog a bit by removing that text I'm fairly sure no one read as I don't believe many people utilize that link. It has now been moved to a separate page along with a complete list of all LPs I've done to date, as well as some links to the sites and works of people I make LPs with. I may do some additional clean up like this for the bottom portion of the page as well since it's kind of a mess of information.

Next on the news list is I finished Pillars of Eternity. I didn't defeat the Master Below yet, which is something I may try to do again, but the main storyline is complete. I wanted it off my to-do list so I could focus on other projects/start another solo LP. I want to do the new Life is Strange game as well as Lunar-SSS (a request from Shauna). I still need to finish Sonic 2006, but that won't happen until the end of October because...

I'm moving again. This should be a more long-term move. Some stuff came up and I made the decision to move into my grandparent's old home (they moved to assisted living earlier this year). It's got more space and a bigger yard for the puppy which is nice. I think I mentioned this in a previous post, but it's actually a thing now. The remainder of this week will be dedicated to packing up, making sure the new place actually has a floor (we had to rip out all the old carpets cause they were shredded and disgusting due to my grandma's walker) and getting the old place clean and mostly cleared out. That all has to get done this weekend, because next weekend I'll be tied up at a friend's wedding.

With that in mind, we're getting a Starsworn session in tonight and I'll start the process of encoding the last segments of Pillars of Eternity. I have to edit one portion of the video somehow, but the rest will be easy. I also hope to get a little bit of Divinity OS2 in before I leave, mostly because I think HKS and Mesk have been wanting to play.

After these next couple of crazy weeks, I will be starting to get ready for Extra Life. I'll hopefully do an official announcement for that near the end of the month.