Wednesday, October 11, 2017


I am, quite frankly, exhausted. The house was way more chaotic than I anticipated, and the expectations of the people trying to sell it are hard to meet. I have a list of everything that needs to be done in my head, but like many large projects, I underestimate the time needed to complete that vision. My life has literally been packing, moving and cleaning since...Saturday or something. I've lost track of this.

I just have to keep the end goal in mind. Here's hoping we don't move again for a very long time.

The good news is I'm too tired to really be worried about not getting done in time/to be stressed out. The bad news is I'm pretty sure I'm getting sick. Also I managed to mess up my toe. There's like a whole chunk of my toenail missing on the one side and I have no idea how it happened. It never bled or anything. Maybe this means I'm undead.

Anyhow, will be leaving soon to deliver ketchup chips to the uncultured masses down south. I'll try to get some uploads up before I leave, but there's likely going to be less than the usual upload rate (which is like 4 videos a week currently -_-).

Also Shauna says I need to play Darkwood before Lunar-SSS, so cue all the innuendos from Mesk when he reads this.

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