Started a D&D one-shot over the past couple of weeks and it's going well despite not being able to kill goblins. Oh and this:
Mesk broke rule 1 and tempted fate. I already used my inspire to avoid a trap sooooo now we're wandering around in a snowstorm. It was literally the last roll to get us back to town and end that day's quest. Now we're probably going to get eaten by wolves or something.
Been making a significant effort to get two projects that should have finished months ago uploaded and released. I'm also teasing a couple new series over the next couple weeks, including Diablo 3 and Divinity OS 2. LIS Before the Storm is fully uploaded (aside from the Farewell episode which I didn't get because apparently I didn't get the deluxe version of the game and you can't just buy the episode on its own...).
In addition I am one level away from completing Commander Keen 4 and having that ready for upload. I may be missing for a couple weeks at the beginning of May as I might not have access to computer/internet for awhile. I may schedule video for this time or just start up again when I return.