Thursday, March 6, 2014

Soundtrack Thursday 8 ROBOT MOVIES

Yes, Robot Movies. Mainly just because I wanted to listen to Pacific Rim, that is the theme today. So I'm listening to tracks that look roboty and interesting to me, plus I'm taking suggestions from other people as to what's good. So...

Pacific Rim - This soundtrack makes me so happy. The main theme especially. I replayed that twice before moving on. (Thx ME)

RoboCop - Never seen the movie. Soundtrack was pretty decent, but wow that synthesizer.  (Thx Sean)

Speaking of synthesizers...Transformers 1986 - Short, sweet and 80s. (Thx Matt)

Moving away from the 80's...Real Steel (it's in Playlist form though because no compilation appears to exist yet). Tracks are more down the action-inspirational road...which isn't surprising for Rocky with Robots. Some parts actually remind me of Bastion (Thx ME)

Not sure if this really qualifies, but it's an awesome soundtrack and it was suggested to me so...Tron Legacy is the next one up. Screw the rules, I have Daft Punk. (Thx Vince)

And because Rachel is trolling me: Iridescent. Transformers 3 made me weep. They were the tears of disappointment. Not in the movie...oh no I expected that to be awful. This is disappointment with Linkin Park. The song choice was just so...wrong. Nearly ruined the song for me. I'm still mad about it. I am however, still, a Linkin Park fan. Even if they do sell out. THX RACHEL.

Also, quotes of the week:

"I've had two cups of coffee, I feel so..."
"Wingaly dingaly ding."
"Yes, that."
Apparently the wingaly dingaly ding was part of the "Row row row your boat" tune already in progress inside Michael's brain. Whatever. All in the timing.

"Know each other for two weeks, get married, have llamas."
Meanwhile Cherry cola shoots out of Chris' nose. Yeah, you don't get context on this one. Do with it what you will.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, tron legacy has a good soundtrack. Pacific Rim is timed good to the movie but not so great for general listening imo.

    And lol @ michael bay still being in business
