Friday, May 5, 2017

Saturday at the Calgary Entertainment Expo 2017

My main goal for Saturday at comic con was to see Mara Wilson's panel and to enjoy some of the amazing cosplay at the con. The weirdest thing is this was a couple days ago and I completely forget a few of the reasons I went to the con and what I did after Mara's panel, but I'm hoping it comes back to me as I write. It's there...I just need to find it in my head again...

Thank god for pictures.

I took the train down to comic con on Saturday as I didn't have to haul any goods back home and I didn't want to try to find a parking space down at the grounds. I ended up sitting across from a couple dressed as Rey from Star Wars and Black Canary, whom I would by chance be sitting behind during Mara's panel. Even at the entrance to the grounds, I could see there was a lot more people milling about. Also it wasn't freezing cold and raining.

I hurried to try and get to the panel, worried that I'd miss it as I had about 5 minutes to spare. I had to stop and get a picture of the only person I have ever encountered cosplaying as Red.

So that was super exciting. I ran up to the empty line where a volunteer told me to check with the volunteers at the next door to see if they'd let me in. They mentioned the Boyce Theatre might already be full (it was not), but that I might be lucky. I ran over to the door where I waited behind a couple trying to get inside the building for a panel. They were arguing with the dude for a bit until the volunteer finally got fed up and just told them to go over to the Corral entrance to try their luck there, and then walk inside to sneak over to the Boyce Theatre. Being the creeper I am, I just acted casual and followed them inside.

Though I kept thinking that I would be accidentally walking into some random panel by accident as I never ACTUALLY heard the couple say they were seeking out the Mara Wilson panel. I just guessed.

The theatre was about 3/4 full, so the volunteer was probably just saying it might be full in case they wouldn't let me in. The couple I saw on the train ended up sitting in front of me (that's one of them in the lower right there), but I'm antisocial so I just played Fire Emblem for 2 minutes until Mara was introduced.

And she was introduced with the wrong pronunciation of Mara. I initially felt like an idiot as I had asked a few people outside about where the panel line was for Mara Wilson and thought I had been saying it wrong the whole time. Turns out I was right (yay). It ended up being what I hope was a running joke as the moderator kept saying her name wrong, but Mara was really good about it.

The panel was excellent and Mara was really easy to listen to as she talked about some of her experiences as a child actor, her book and her real love of storytelling. She interacted really well with the audience as well, but to be fair, this has to be one of the only panels I've been in where there wasn't a REALLY awkward question of some sort. I think the most borderline question was something to do with Doug Walker (Nostalgia Critic) and a past feud between them.

My pictures are the blurriest pictures. The spotlights were really bright though.

One of the key things I was glad to go and hear about was her experiences with anxiety and how she deals with panic attacks and feeling uncomfortable. She recommended a lot of books (both about that topic and a bunch of her other current/favourite reads) and a few of her videos (one of which I used that night as I was really struggling with anxiety over the weekend). She gave a lot of advice about interacting with people online and how you don't need to take everything personally, or read things when their sole purpose is to upset you.

Overall, a fantastic panel and while it was the only one I went to, it was definitely worth attending.

And then I lost all the change out of my jacket pocket in the mass exodus from the theatre. I heard a little jingling noise and looked back to see a quarter. Had I stopped to retrieve it, I would have been trampled or tripped over so I just...left my $3.50 on the ground. Guess someone had a lucky find.

I wandered the con and picked up the Cyanide and Happiness game for Oliver while I was wandering around. I meant to get a picture of how busy the hall was, but this picture didn't really do it justice.

THIS ONE, however, gives a little bit better of an idea. I think this was the crowd that really threw me over the edge for that day as it was a little difficult to navigate anywhere. I went back for the "I Was Groot" coaster because it was so morbidly amusing, then I tried to search for the LEGO display, which I regret to say either does not exist this year, or I did not find it.

I ran into a few people I knew and chatted for awhile. They spent most of their day attending panels and autograph sessions (they were getting the Popfigure versions of all the media guests signed 'cause that's their thing). I should have stuck with them at that point as the crowd really got to me without any other people to distract me. I did, however, see some great cosplay.

I am so sad this picture ended up blurry (maybe I put my thumb on the lens or something), but his Pyramid Head was the best. He was wandering around the con with the Pyramid head gait, slowly limping and dragging the weapon. Everyone was hilariously freaked out except this tiny little 8-10 year old who walked up to him with a huge grin and asked for a picture with him. Pyramid Head held her head with one hand as a pose.

After that I saw about 5 different Pyramid Heads around the con that were good, but weren't at that level.

This in general was just amazing. The picture really doesn't do it justice as a volunteer was trying to break up the improvised photo session. It was a little ironic because there was absolutely no blockage here and had these cosplayers ventured past the autograph area they would have been trapped in a sweaty sea of people.

Have to admit this was one of my more favourite Wonder Woman costumes that I've seen. Loved the boots.

Another thing the con had everywhere this year was a bunch of life-sized Daleks. I spotted about 4 of them scattered around the con at different booths. There were also large cut-outs of bears everywhere, but I forgot to snap a picture of those.

Wandered back outside to get some fresh air and return to the Big Four and artist's alley. I snapped a few pictures outside to share an idea of how many people were on the grounds on Saturday.

A lot of the cosplayers, especially with the larger costumes, were wandering around outside to cool off and get pictures with people. My favourite is when cosplayers are taking a break as you just see someone like the Wolverine sitting around eating over-priced perogies on a sidewalk curb.

Speaking of Wolverine, I had a Wolverine cough in my face when I was in the main exhibition hall. So that was nice. I blame the mild cold I have now on him.

I found Justin at the tabletop gaming area (as I mentioned on Thursday, he teaches people how to play the games and helps run the tournaments on Sunday). I missed him on the not busy night, so I made sure to seek him out on Saturday.

Afterwards I headed upstairs to buy some soap and a bath bomb from Wednesday and ended up getting a really adorable Eevee hat that I'm not sure if I want to keep or donate to Extra Life (it's REALLY SOFT). Once I wandered upstairs a bit and (unsuccessfully) searched for the LEGO display, I decided I had enough of the con for Saturday.

I would return for awhile on Sunday...which was a little less fun than anticipated.


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